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DIY Update: The Ladder Shoe Shelf

DIY Storage Feb 9, 2015

The Ladder Shoe Shelf

Nothing says hostile takeover like moving your whole shoe closet from the wardrobe into the somewhat neutral territory of the lounge room… But when I realised my DIY Ladder Shelves would be so much better with the addition of shoes (colour coordinated cos I’m crazy like that, at least to begin with), I couldn’t resist.  I’m guessing it won’t stay like this for too long, unfortunately my boyfriend doesn’t think of clothes and shoes like art the way I do, but what’s not to love about changing it up every once in a while?

You can read the tutorial for these shelves here. Trust me it’s easy!

Photos by Nicola Lemmon

P.s. if you’re looking for other artful/pretty storage ideas, this one is still my favourite.

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